Welcome, I’m so happy you’re here.

Life is a journey, and I’m here to make the most of it.

Nacogdoches is where my dad launched his business, instructing government and law enforcement agencies, as well as civilians, in “The CSAT Way.” Growing up with a dad who owned the local gun range made for a unique and adventurous upbringing.

During my youth, I engaged in the usual activities—playing sports and focusing on academics—but I often felt like I didn’t quite fit in. When it came time to consider college, I realized I had little genuine interest. As I sat down to answer the question, “Why do you want to go here?” I realized I didn’t have a compelling answer. What I truly wanted was to do something more meaningful.

This desire for purpose led me to enlist in the Air Force just three weeks after my high school graduation.

My eight years in the Air Force were transformative. As an aerial gunner on the AC-130U at Hurlburt Field, Florida, I had the honor of deploying four times and eventually becoming an instructor aerial gunner during my last two years in the reserves. The experiences and the extraordinary people I met along the way profoundly shaped my life and personal growth.

While serving in the reserves, I embarked on a new journey—nursing. I knew my time in the military was drawing to a close as I was starting a family and preparing to welcome my daughter into the world. Transitioning from military service, I focused on my new roles as a nurse and a mom.

My nursing career began in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), where I cared for the most vulnerable and delicate lives. The work was immensely rewarding but emotionally taxing, especially as a new mother. I cherished my time in the NICU but needed a career path that better balanced my professional goals with my family life.

This search led me to the world of medical aesthetics, a field where I could combine my nursing skills with my passion for helping others feel confident and beautiful. For the past three years, I’ve thrived in this specialty, finding deep satisfaction in assisting people on their journeys to rediscover their beauty and self-esteem.

Currently, I’m advancing my nursing career by pursuing a master’s degree to become a family nurse practitioner. This role will allow me to provide comprehensive care to my patients in aesthetics and beyond. However, I still felt a persistent calling to do more.

This sense of purpose inspired me to create this website, a platform dedicated to celebrating the remarkable men and women who serve and support our communities. I want to illuminate their stories, honor their sacrifices, and highlight their unwavering dedication. These are the individuals who form the backbone of our society—the heroes we often take for granted but can’t live without.